An incubator created in partnership with the Civil Society Foundation to help start-ups of social initiatives test their ideas and grow innovative ideas into viable solutions. NULA welcomes all ideas that address a pressing societal problem, for example, in the fields of education, public health, child and family welfare or other areas.

The NULA programme runs for nine months. During this time, it will explore the problems and target groups, further develop the content of the operational and financial model solutions, and acquire the skills to present its solution. Up to three teams will receive up to € 25,000 in start-up funding from the Civil Society Foundation by the end of the programme.




esitatud ideed


algatust inkubaatoris

475 000

eurot starditoetusi

In the NULA programme:

  • Solution design and testing with the target audience.
  • Impact measurement
  • Budget and financial planning
  • Communication activities
  • Team strengths and weaknesses
  • Creating an action plan for implementing the solution


Pirkko Valge

Heateo SA tegevjuht

Mari Arnover


Jaan Aps

Mentorid ja toetajad

Andrus Purde

NULA mentor

Anna-Liisa Reinson

NULA mentor

Kati Vabi

Tarvet Imala

NULA mentor

Want to know more about the NULA incubator?