By supporting the activities of the Good Deed Foundation, you give a boost to impactful societal initiatives.
We operate thanks to long-standing supporters and partners who support Good Deed financially. Each year, we involve professional volunteers with a range of experience and expertise and connect them with initiatives that make a difference in tackling acute problems in Estonian society.
Good Deed partners support the Good Deed Foundation with a monthly agreed amount. If interested, partners also contribute as volunteer experts to advise on good initiatives.
To the donor
If you would like to support our activities and goals with a donation, it is good to know that the Good Deed Foundation has joined the good practice of fundraising and is included in the list of non-profit organisations and foundations with income tax relief.
Good Deed Foundation’s bank account number: EE782200221022367526

Developing a culture of giving
We develop the culture of giving through the “I love to help” donation environment created by Swedbank and Good Deed and the promotion of the “Good practice of fundraising” in cooperation with the Federation of NGOs.