

schools use


test sets

Learning more complex natural sciences such as physics and chemistry often remains theoretical, and the connections between what is learned and real life are blurred. This makes understanding difficult and extinguishes students’ interest in the subject. Thus, fewer and fewer school graduates choose science and engineering for their future, further exacerbating the shortage of science teachers.

Praktikal allows teachers to teach science subjects through practical activities. The solution includes 11 courses, test equipment sets, teaching and instructional materials, and an interactive online platform. This way, the lessons become lively and exciting for the students, and the teacher saves about 10 hours per week.

The Good Deed Education invested in Praktikal to expand the selection of test sets across subjects and grades and build a distribution system for the Praktikal solution. Today, every fourth school in Estonia uses Praktikali test kits, and they are expanding to Germany.

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