people have completed mental health first aid training
young people have attended individual counseling
group training sessions on emotion regulation
new and active mental health counselors trained
More than a third of girls and a fifth of boys between the ages of 11 and 15 are sad or depressed more than once a week. These numbers surpass those of our neighbouring countries. Young people often cannot articulate their reasons for negative feelings or find the necessary help. To stop the widespread anxiety and depression from becoming chronic illnesses, it is essential to intervene early on. Already, only a third of people with depression seek help. However, long-term depression has severe consequences for both the person and society at large. focuses on prevention, early intervention, and stigma reduction of mental health problems.
Their team includes mental health, youth, and education specialists. Online counselling, courses, and group training are offered to youths between 16 and 26. In 2022, testing for a youth-oriented intervention programme, Peahea, started, in which young people acquire knowledge and skills to cope with common mental health problems. The youth can meet with a counsellor up to 6 times and choose the topics according to their needs. Additionally, has developed mental health first aid training.’s goal is that 1% of Estonian residents can provide mental health first aid, including 10% of Estonian education workers.
The Good Deed Impact Fund has helped develop new services and piloting (group counselling, Peahea counselling). We have also supported the offering of mental health first aid training and expansion of the team (communication, accountant, IT help).