
The biggest reward for me is to work with people in areas I have no direct contact with. This has broadened my horizons a lot. Working with different initiatives at NULA incubator has also brought a lot to my day-to-day work, where I spend most of my time working on products that are far from the start-up phase. It refreshes my perspective and allows me to approach problems from different angles.

Tarvet Imala

Product Management Team Lead at Playtech

As a mentor, I help guide the Substitute Teacher Programme’s IT system development project towards a start-up mindset. Perhaps in the bigger picture, I’ll also see to it that the money given by the Education Fund is put to good use, and that it’s used to make the biggest possible step towards improving education. I can see that the ASÕP is a real project that solves a real problem.

Tarkvarainsener, Heateo Haridusfondi toetaja, kes on võtnud lisaks ka mentori rolli, et toetada haridusvaldkonnas olulise Asendusõpetajate programmi rakendamist.

Alar Mäerand

IT expert

Toomas Toodu

NULA mentor

Mati Aednurm

Viola Salu

Jekaterina Tint

Priit Mikelsaar

Jaakko Matsalu

Juta Palmeri

Katrin Isotamm

Kati Vabi

Kairi Rätsepp

Sven-Erik Mändmaa

Kermo Pastarus

Krõõt Padrik

Britmarii Kroon-Kesa

Mari-Liis Villig

Calum Cameron

Kalev Rundu

NULA mentor

Brett Astrid Võmma

NULA mentor

Andrus Purde

NULA mentor

Anna-Liisa Reinson

NULA mentor

Indrek Prants

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